Examples - Housing Assignment

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Our client is the registrar at a small technical college specializing in the visual arts. They offer intensive courses ranging in duration from two to four weeks, attracting students from around the world. These students need temporary housing during their residence. The college owns some housing units and also reserves blocks of space in nearby motels and private homes. The unit occupancies are a mix of singles and doubles, offered by the college at varying price levels, with or without meals, to students.

Our task was to give registry clerks a tool, within the existing Visual Foxpro application, for assigning beds to students.

This is not a task that can be fully automated. We designed a flexible system that gives registry clerks options, from which they make informed selections.

It is worth noting that we do not automatically present the clerk with a ranked list. Early in the season, with many beds available in the inventory, there will be little difference in rankings. Later in the season, however, preserving large blocks of unassigned dates will be more important, especially if there are four-week courses occurring then, and ranking differences within the reduced inventory will be greater.

By giving the clerk the option to rank listed choices, we reduce network traffic for this data-intensive task, and maintain a responsive multi-user system.